We are excited to announce that Vital4 is officially a registered SOC for Service Organization with the AICPA. SOC 2® compliance ensures that service providers securely manage data based on five fundamental principles: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. 

According to the AICPA, SOC 2® reports can play an essential role in various things, including oversight of the organization, vendor management programs, internal corporate governance, and risk management processes, and regulatory oversight. 

“There are two types of reports: A type 2 report on management’s description of a service organization’s system and the suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of controls; and a type 1 report on management’s description of a service organization’s system and the suitability of the design of controls. Use of these reports is restricted,” says the AICPA. 

SOC 2 compliance is critical to protecting your data and protecting your business from potentially costly effects. The certification will allow us to further strengthen the trust with our valued customers and ensure your business’s long-term success.

VITAL4 provides global screening solutions to help organizations maintain regulatory compliance and mitigate third-party risk. As a cloud software platform made fast and powerful by proprietary machine learning technology, VITAL4 was developed to bring the agility of SaaS services to enterprise compliance regimes and eliminate slow update cycles, shallow source pools, and the human-error risks of manual legacy processes. VITAL4 was built with four fundamental concepts in mind: compliance, accuracy, global insight, and value.